Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Difference Between Couture And Avant Garde (To Me lol)

Somewhere over this rainbow we call fashion, are two particular style that I love:Couture and Avant Garde. It will be my duty to design in these categories things you have never seen before. But since some of my friends and most of you may not know what the difference between them or what they even mean I would be happy to explain follow me:

Ok:Yes both these style deliver exaggerated yet tasteful pieces there are slight maybe major difference between them.

For instance, some people think " Oh they both are the same thing. They both have something to do with wild clothes. No!

Yes you are true but to me (lol my opinion counts) Avant Garde is more "exaggerated" if you will, than Couture. Couture can be very wild at times and sometimes it could be a suttle piece, but its pattern or something gives a "individual" vibe, get where im going? where as, Avant Garde is wild all the time, nothing is normal about avant garde, every piece is special. Thats why I adore Avant Garde a little more than Couture, (need more help? Well look at Rihanna as a more Couture person and Lady Gaga as a more Avant Garde person, get it now)
Here are some pics tell the differences

Givenchy Spring 2010 Couture Pictures, Images and Photos
This is couture, highly wild, yet you could king of wear it as everyday stuff,

Avant Garde Pictures, Images and Photos
This is mos def Avant Garde, look at the outfit, would you wear this as everyday outfits? probaly not so there goes my lesson on my two favorite styles :),

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